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Anjanette Vaidya

Education Consultant

Posse Foundation

2019-2020 Ascend PSP Parent Advisors | Parent Advisors

Highland Park, New Jersey

Anjanette Vaidya is a poet, educator and scholar-activist who centers her work around access to education, justice, and the role of the arts in knowledge acquisition. Her work as an education consultant includes her role as a retreat facilitator with The Posse Foundation, where she creates and implements curriculum that addresses current events for top universities and colleges across the country. Trained in the tradition of the Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal, she utilizes embodied play and theatre techniques as a basis for coalition building, organizing, and change.

Anjanette has been tapped as an advisor on policy at both Ascend at The Aspen Institute and The Kresge Foundation, and is an advisory collective member of UW’s Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH).

She previously served as an adjunct professor at Rutgers University Newark in American Studies before relocating with her family to Washington State and an article she co-authored on Black women’s pedagogical practices was featured in a special issue of Teacher’s College Record.

Anjanette is deeply committed to hopeful and joyful engagement with the world and in her free time she can be found writing, dancing, gardening, and contemplating the cosmos.

Stories Featuring Anjanette Vaidya
October 2, 2023
Pando: Connection, Commitment, and Growth Among Ascend Parent Advisors
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Explore how the Ascend Network mobilizes over 500 organizations using 2Gen approaches to enhance the well-being and potential of families.