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Ashley Hamilton

New Orleans, Louisiana

Ashley Hill Hamilton is a native of Uptown New Orleans and mother to three children. She is the Founder of The Uptown Doula. She previously worked as policy manager for The Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights to change systems that impact children in the juvenile justice system. Ashley is also a doula, lactation consultant, and writer. She is a bold advocate for liberatory practices and meets her work in juvenile justice advocacy at the intersection of her work in Reproductive Justice—both aiming to protect and create environments for Black children and families to live, feel safe, and parent in communities where they are supported and have the necessary tools and resources to thrive and experience joy.

Stories featuring Ashley Hamilton

Group photo of Ascend Parent Advisors standing outside in Aspen, Colorado with their arms outstretched upward.
Snapshots from the 2023 Ascend Parent Advisor Convening in Aspen, Colorado.
Aspen Postsecondary Success for ParentsOctober 2, 2023