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Eman Khatri

Program Intern

Ascend at the Aspen Institute

Archived Member

Eman Khatri is a Program Intern at Ascend. She splits her time between Family Prosperity at the Aspen Institute’s Ascend program and tech policy focused work at Aspen Institute’s Aspen Digital program.

Prior to joining Ascend, Eman worked at a medical-legal partnership, a legal cancer care organization, and a gender equity nonprofit. During her time at Medical Legal Partnership/Boston (MLPB), Eman conducted a demographic data analysis project to assess the impact of legal services on achieving health and well-being for low-income families and presented findings through a concise visual report. She also spent time synthesizing legal research and insights from webinars for staff to provide legal and social solutions to clients across the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. At Cancer Legal Care, Eman created and executed a social media management plan that reached hundreds of cancer survivors and their families. At the International Action Network for Gender Equity & Law, Eman hosted a series of Zoom webinars for 70-100 gender advocates at a time. Notably, she supported the logistics for the online IANGEL 7th Anniversary Gala, a high-profile event for the organization. She also has spent the past two years building a national nonprofit, The Connected Foundation. The goal of The Connected Foundation is to build community through intergenerational connections and ultimately build stronger and more equitable aging infrastructure. These experiences, focused on understanding how to create just and equitable communities, are what drew Eman to Ascend’s 2Gen model.

Eman is originally from the Bay Area in California. She is a rising senior at Wellesley College on the path towards a B.A. in Economics and Sociology.

We’re all about teamwork at Ascend. None of our work would be possible without the contributions of each and every team member.