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Leslie Reyes

Middlesex, New Jersey

Leslie Reyes is a mother of a teenage daughter named Bella. She is also an Assistant Director of Labor Relations and Payroll Support at IP&O, a Division within Rutgers University. Leslie is a certified SHRM professional and public notary who holds certificates in Diversity and Inclusion, Law and the Workplace, and Work Organization and Management. Leslie holds an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration from Middlesex County College, a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Labor Studies and Employment Relations from the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR).

Leslie volunteers as a domestic violence response team member for two townships as well as a children’s book author. She has served as a panel speaker for a Parents and Children Thriving Together (PACTT) Network Midpoint Meeting hosted by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP). She also participated on a panel of student parents who voiced their experiences in dealing with the complexity of social service systems and how the systems helped or discouraged parents who have multiple roles in their day-to-day lives. Additionally, she was a panel speaker at a SXSW Conference where she shared her story on overcoming struggles to improve her human capital.

Stories Featuring Leslie Reyes
October 2, 2023
Pando: Connection, Commitment, and Growth Among Ascend Parent Advisors
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Explore how the Ascend Network mobilizes over 500 organizations using 2Gen approaches to enhance the well-being and potential of families.