National Implementation Director
Her entire life, Marianne has been inspired by the stories of great women. Their stories made her want to show that women could do anything – that they are strong, brave, smart and amazing. Though her answer to “what do you want to be when you grow up?” might have changed a few times, she always knew who she wanted to be – someone who stood up for themselves and for others. And through her work with FV@W, she’s had the chance to take that stand, and a chance to help others find their voice as well. Marianne has spent 15 years in different roles with FV@W as a supporter, a state lead, and now as a staff member. During that time, she advocated for paid sick and safe days, Fair Workweek, pay equity, paid leave, and rights for domestic workers. She continues to leverage policy opportunities to build long-term power for communities, so that they can lead and win future issues at the intersection of race, class and gender.