Fact Sheets

Physical, mental, and emotional health have a major impact on a family’s ability to thrive.1 Childhood trauma, for instance, can have lasting he...
April 5, 2017
Evidence shows a child’s healthy development hinges on stable relationships and supportive environments. Effective, high-quality early childhood...
April 5, 2017
4.8 million college students are raising children. This fact sheet from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research breaks down the numbers to bet...
February 17, 2016
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) creates career pathways that prepare individuals with low-incomes or who are out-of-work for livin...
November 4, 2015
This brief studies the development of a multi-intervention 2Gen strategy to help single, first-time pregnant mothers in Salt Lake County. The three pr...
August 5, 2015
This brief highlights the benefits of the federal and state Earned-Income Tax Credits as levers for lifting families out of poverty.
August 5, 2015