Guides & Tools

By The Prosperity Agenda | This checklist is a simple reminder of quick and easy things coaches can do to calm their mind, set an intention for the me...
January 8, 2017
By The Prosperity Agenda | This resource takes into account the things coaches can do to help reduce the impact of stress and trauma experienced by fa...
January 8, 2017
The Prosperity Agenda | This tool is helpful for training purposes as it helps clarify language used by the coach when playing each of the three roles...
January 8, 2017
Ascend at the Aspen Institute publication on the two-generation approach and its core components.
September 30, 2016
Parents are critical partners for organizations striving to improve the lives of children and their families. This planning tool aims to help nonprofi...
August 1, 2016
Module 4 of Los Angeles Valley College’s 2Gen Toolkit focuses on individualized support. This module makes the case that student parent supports mus...
December 1, 2015