Principle 4: Innovation

This report analyzes what has been accomplished, the lessons learned, and the opportunities ahead with unprecedented federal expenditures in social po...
June 7, 2021
State 2Gen Model: Maryland as a Case Study for Policymakers
This case study captures Maryland’s 2Gen approach from community innovation to statewide policy adoption. It lifts up local strategies such as c...
October 23, 2020
Investment in resources that improve the experience of students who are parents will improve the college experience for all students.
July 14, 2020
Student parents are on every postsecondary campus across the country – in-person and online – but are rendered invisible by current data practices...
July 14, 2020
This presentation from Community Action Partnership shares stories from two organizations, Parents in Community Action (PICA) in Minnesota and Communi...
February 13, 2019
In 2013, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched the Family Economic Success-Early Childhood Education (FES-ECE) initiative to support programs that of...
December 31, 2018