As former foreign editor of Newsday, Dele had a front row seat to South Africa’s transition from Apartheid when Nelson Mandela was elected president. 2024 marks 30 years since South Africa ended Apartheid and Rwanda’s violent genocide. Dele and Anne will explore leadership lessons about how societies make fateful choices as a result of their common experience, and the inevitable price, some unpredictable, thata must be paid for such choices. South Africa chose to emerge from Apartheid emphasizing freedom above all, while Rwanda chose to follow the rule of one leader who emphasized security. Where are both today and what can we learn from their triumphs and struggles in pursuite of liberté, and égalité, and fraternité? What does a society give up when it moves in one direction or the other? How do we maintain balance, assuming this can be found? Is there such a thing as a universally best system for society – democratic governance, say – or are we to answer, “it depends?”

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