Case Studies

This brief from the National Center for Families Learning details the results of a 2Gen learning program for Hispanic/Latino families in Detroit. Marc...
March 30, 2017
Since The Excel Center opened in 2010, database research continues to illustrate proof of impact. This report combines independent, verified data from...
March 30, 2017
In partnership with Ascend at the Aspen Institute, Sarasota County, with leadership from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, has explored, de...
February 28, 2017
This literature review supports Cook Inlet Tribal Council’s (CITC) alignment of programming to achieve and measure organizational targets associ...
February 1, 2017
This article examines the challenges of individual programs working together to scale. The goal of the collaboration between Nurse Family Partnership ...
January 1, 2017
The report was written by Alana Landey and Pam Winston of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for...
November 1, 2016