The Collective Impact of Social Innovation on a Two-Generation Learning Program

This brief from the National Center for Families Learning details the results of a 2Gen learning program for Hispanic/Latino families in Detroit. March 2017.

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“We Are Here Too”: Who Are the 1 Million Fathers in College?
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A Collaborative Implementation Evaluation of the Policy Acceleration Partnership (PAP) Program
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Tapping the Talent of Student Parents: A Playbook for Postsecondary Leaders
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Toward a More Equitable Tomorrow: A Landscape Analysis of Early Childhood Leadership
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Template Family Prosperity Employer Outreach Letter
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Four Employer Principles for Family Prosperity: Fact Sheet
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Family Success Plan: Family and Workforce Centers of America
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The Mental Health Challenges Experienced by Student Parents
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Two Open Windows Part II: New Research on Infant and Caregiver Neurobiologic Change
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Add High-Quality Non-Degree Pathways for Parents
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Create Networks for Parents to Eliminate Social Stigma
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Identify Mental Health and Well-being Interventions
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Provide Financial Supports Responsive to Parents
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Create a Family Friendly Campus
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Leverage State and Federal Policy Opportunities
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Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Confirm Parenting Status and Assess Barriers to Completion
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Aspen Institute Postsecondary Success for Parents Initiative: Advisory Groups
March 23, 2020
Aspen Early Childhood and Health Forum Brief: Putting Children and Parents on a Path to Success
November 14, 2019
Aspen Postsecondary Success for Parents: Success in Workforce Programs for Parents
October 3, 2019
Young Parents Making Their Way: Combining Education and Work while Parenting
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Supporting Young Parents as They Advance Their Education and Careers
October 1, 2019
Balancing Work with School and Training while Raising Young Children: A National Portrait of Young Parents, Their Schedules, and Children’s Care Arrangements
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Young Parents Making their Way: Combining Education and Work while Parenting
July 31, 2019
Two-Generation Strategy Yields Promising Results: The LIFT-AppleTree Partnership Pilot Project