Brendan Creamer

  Sowmya Ramanathan is a 2011 graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and served as an intern at Ascend in the fall of 2012. As Ascend loo...
BlogJanuary 30, 2013
A Webinar on Human-Centered Design
January 24, 2013
Follow @mekas3zs   The following blog is excerpted and condensed from remarks given by Tameka Henry, a parent of children enrolled in Acelero...
BlogDecember 11, 2012
Follow @SJPopkin   Experts gathered at the Aspen ThinkXChange Design Lab "Counting Change" to discuss metrics for two-generation approa...
BlogNovember 19, 2012
Follow @MekaeliaD The scene at the Colorado 2019 Summit in Denver, Colorado. Colorado is an important state for Ascend.  Indeed, in 1950 the Aspe...
BlogNovember 8, 2012
Jeremiah Program participant Tiffany Meeks and her family. “You’re pregnant.” “These two words changed my life forever,” says Rebecca, a Jer...
BlogNovember 6, 2012