Family Prosperity Partners: First Phase
Urban Institute
Urban Institute
District of Columbia
UTEC, Inc.
UTEC, Inc. (MA)
Washington State Budget & Policy Center
Washington State Budget & Policy Center
Individual Partners
In addition to the foundations and institutions that have contributed to our work, we’d also like to thank the following individuals for their commitment to building the well-being of children and families.
- Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation
- Charlotte Perret Family Trust
- Frances Mosle
- J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Foundation
- Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld
- Jordan Ruby Fund
- Kini Fund
- Patrice King Brickman
- Sheila Walker
Explore how the Ascend Network mobilizes over 500 organizations using 2Gen approaches to enhance the
well-being and potential of families.