For many low-income working families, a gap exists between their pay, work-related benefits and support and what they need to achieve family well-being and economic stability. The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened economic challenges and risks for families. The Center for Public Justice, a national Christian policy and civic engagement organization, proposes to develop and test a research model and media strategies that engage people of faith, including low-income families and faith-shaped employers, in informing and advancing work-family supports. Partnering with the Calvin University Center for Social Research (CSR), CPJ will generate research and policy briefs documenting employer and family experiences and attitudes about several family-supportive policies. This locally grounded research will assess and help build support for family-supportive policies among faith-shaped employers and community leaders in West Michigan and nationally.

Stories Featuring Center for Public Justice
Explore how the Ascend Network mobilizes over 500 organizations using 2Gen approaches to enhance the
well-being and potential of families.