
These last few months have been painful and emotional for all of us. We watched as another Black man was killed, a Black woman’s murder continue...
BlogAugust 13, 2020
Although today’s circumstances are abnormally challenging, students’ lives have always been complex, even more so for students who are parents. At...
BlogAugust 13, 2020
When I was attending the College of William & Mary as a teen mother, I was an anomaly. Not only because I was one of a very small group of Black s...
BlogAugust 12, 2020
In the 20 years I have been with the University of Minnesota’s Student Parent HELP Center (SPHC), I have never experienced anything like the paralle...
BlogAugust 12, 2020
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, we asked our families how they were doing and what they needed. Feedback loops are ingrained into our ...
BlogAugust 12, 2020
There are no days off for student parents. Not even a worldwide pandemic can stop them from ensuring their child’s health, safety, and education –...
BlogAugust 10, 2020