Featured Guests
Justin Brown
Oklahoma Human Services
William (Bill) Bynum
HOPE (Hope Enterprise Corporation and Hope Credit Union)
Chief Executive Officer
Erin Cannon
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, HHS
Social Science Research Analyst
JooYeun Chang
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Program Director for Child Well-Being
Wendy Chun-Hoon
US Department of Labor, Women's Bureau
Christina Church
Maryland Department of Human Services
Sen. Susan Collins
U.S. Senate
January Contreras
Administration for Children and Families
Assistant Secretary
Vinice Davis
Imaginable Futures
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
U.S. House of Representatives
Jason DeParle
New York Times
District of Columbia
Rebecca Dixon
National Employment Law Project
Explore how the Ascend Network mobilizes over 500 organizations using 2Gen approaches to enhance the
well-being and potential of families.