Home-Grown Social Capital: How Higher Education for Formerly Incarcerated Women Facilitates Family and Community Transformation

This study focuses on building educational opportunities and family relationships for women affected by incarceration. Many of these families live in communities that have experienced decades of educational disinvestment, and they must navigate systems and policies that discourage them from pursuing education. Learn about six policy and program recommendations pertaining to formerly incarcerated women’s experiences of family, the mutual needs and barriers that they and their family members share, and where and how they get support as they pursue their education.

October 23, 2024
Engaging Lived Expertise in Community-Driven Solutions (Somos la communidad)
July 17, 2023
“We Are Here Too”: Who Are the 1 Million Fathers in College?
April 24, 2023
A Collaborative Implementation Evaluation of the Policy Acceleration Partnership (PAP) Program
April 7, 2023
Tapping the Talent of Student Parents: A Playbook for Postsecondary Leaders
January 13, 2023
People-First Language Guide: A Resource for 2Gen Practitioners
January 11, 2023
Providing Equal Access to Justice
April 29, 2022
Building Trust with Immigrant and Refugee Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices
April 29, 2022
Cultural Competency Secrets to Success with Immigrant and Refugee Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices
April 22, 2022
Template Family Prosperity Employer Outreach Letter
April 13, 2022
Four Employer Principles for Family Prosperity: Fact Sheet
September 20, 2021
Family Success Plan: Family and Workforce Centers of America
July 22, 2021
Cliff Effect Messaging Guide
December 3, 2020
The Mental Health Challenges Experienced by Student Parents
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Add High-Quality Non-Degree Pathways for Parents
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Create Networks for Parents to Eliminate Social Stigma
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Identify Mental Health and Well-being Interventions
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Provide Financial Supports Responsive to Parents
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Create a Family Friendly Campus
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Leverage State and Federal Policy Opportunities
July 14, 2020
Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents: Confirm Parenting Status and Assess Barriers to Completion
May 7, 2020
Tool: Who Is In My Circle?
April 2, 2020
Aspen Institute Postsecondary Success for Parents Initiative: Advisory Groups